Meat is a class of food items, obtained from fat and skeletal tissues of animals and birds. They are a vital source of various vitamins and minerals.
Rich in calcium, protein, Vitamin A and Vitamin B12, etc. dairy products are recommended to people right from their infant age, as they help built strength and immunity system. You can know more about the dairy products (given below) by clicking on the product name and can also contact their suppliers, exporters and manufacturers.
A sea animal or sea weed that is served in the form of edible food is termed as marine food or seafood. Being a rich source of protein, marine food helps in the reduction of calories and saturated fatty acids in our body.
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Meat & Poultry Food
Egg, Chicken, Lamb, Pork,
Bacon, Ham, Beef, Sausage,
Salami, Pepperoni